Thursday, October 8, 2009

a weekend at the sea

This weekend (oct 3,4) we went on a nice getaway to St. Jean de Luz. I think that's how you spell it. Anywho... a grand time fun in the sun and fun in Spain too. 
Leo met his match.

Roadtrip to Spain! woooooooooo

a pretty cool chruch in San Sebastien. and around the corner  you can see the nar skate spot-- I'm full of interesting facts. :)

Leo and Jean racing to the water- and then raced out immediately after.


Jean was a little cold after his swim, so we 
gave him some of our clothes to keep him warm.

Back to St. Jean de Luz... 

Catching up with the rest of our crew. yarr

swimming in goooooold.

rambo and a hippy... and professor sunflower up top

this was the fish Leo caught, Franc

a beeeeeautiful sunset

Monday, October 5, 2009

a pique-nique in the parc

The second week or so that I was in Bordeaux, we decided to go out for a picnic.  Funny to think that I have 3 weeks left in Bordeaux and I am only just posting about this picnic, but nevertheless... this day was also the last day for the canadians and so, a good occasion. Unfortunately Corey didn't join us... communication breakdown of some sort.  But Nick joined me, Leo and Claude for a fantastic French picnic. Have I mentioned how much I love French food? and cheese and wine? and bread? oh goodness, I'm surprised that my body hasn't grown ten fold yet. ... burrrp.  It was the perfect afternoon for a picnic and the park wasn't crowded either. Jolly times had by all.

Le cirque

Oh wow! it's been a long time since ive posted in here. too much has been going on and i just keep putting this off. i have to catch up with the times now. and since ive finally uploaded the images from my camera, i've got more to work with. here we go. so on september 15... we went to the circus! me and leo were invited by matias and also in attendance was lea, matias' girlfriend and her little sister madeleine. the circus was so much fun and we had awesome seats, right in the front row. 
i felt like a big kid the entire time. 
lea, madeleine, et moi

Frederic Edelstein- lion and tiger tamer extraordinaire. he kissed one of his tigers. i took so many pictures of his act... but i didn't want to bombard this entry with lion and tigers and a man parading in striped sparkly spandex (do you see his tan, too?), even though it is pretty cool.

this was pretty cool. but i couldn't help but be a little sad for all the wild animals in cages, granted they were born in captivity and would never be able to survive in the wild, but still... the vegetarian/animal lover in me gets the best of me sometimes. i'm a sensitive soul.

the ring dancer had some muscles on her. needless to say, i was impressed.

oh my goodness oh my goodness.
these strong men were insane! i was so stoked at their act. the baseman stood on the chair while holding the flyer in a handstand, then slowly went into this position, and then back up to standing. no, it was not easy.... and he faulted and had to try it again. i'm not sure if it was part of the act, but the crowd went wild. wooooo. yes, me too.

and here's some videos of them in action! my apologies if you begin to get a crink in your neck. i tried editing it, but i don't have the right programs to do so. shooot. 


elephants on parade! aren't they just precious.

 dude... was she flexible and tiny. and about 20 hoola hoops joined in after this.

a camel taking it easy in front of us while a zebra steals the spotlight.

after there was a huge parade of horses, donkeys, camels, llamas, and a zebra, the horses had an afterparty and started to dance. 
and oh! a shetland pony! he came in galloping around the whole ring and then began to dance on his hind legs, too. trop mignon. all the little french children went hogwild over him.

oh gosh. this was the closing act and oh so extreme. from what i was told, these are the only 2 guys to be able to do this and they're in the guinness book of world records. this object rotates adnd they jump at the very top, do flips and jump around, all powered by the other brother.