Friday, July 30, 2010

Back to Bordeaux

I'm back! It's been 6 months since my last visit and this time I get to stay for an entire 6 months. Im official- visa and all.

Alors, this first posting (of many) is a compilation of Bordeax life from my first 2 weeks here:
it's good to be back in my French hometown.

oo how i missed this sky...

...and this guy...

from the most picturesque Place in Bordeaux-
a view of Per Perland church [not shown]
& Delices et Cafe (delish)


mon colocotaire (roommate) Claude

I arrived in Bordeaux with a surprise.
Le Tour de France came to Bordeaux!

lots of hype and fans


Bordeaux has 60 cows grazing around the city at the moment.


playing the one-string blues.

Léa at Leo's birthday bbq at Yoan and Charles'

the great Milos

nos nouveux amies, James and Elise d'Australie
And Tammy to the right!

Charles, Max and Yoan

My dear Leo: what class
Paging through his birthday gift

Recap: all in all, un bon retour! [insert content grin]